Monday, January 7, 2013

More Mini Madness!

So I've been working on the 40K campaign a bit, which has proven to take a lot more work than I first anticipated.  I've also been working on a new game that has caught my interest quite heavily.  Mordhiem by Games Workshop has been very much at the forefront of my gaming mind lately.  I'm also excited about the next Magic set as well.  So let's break it down.

The campaign is going to be cool if I can get all the details worked out.  I want it to start with a boarding action that takes place throughout the ship.   Multiple small battles each played separately but with consequences that tie into the whole campaign from round to round.  I'll illuminate that idea more as it comes out though.

Mordheim is what has really been eating my spare time lately.  Since I decided to get involved in the campaign that's starting this month at the local store (Battleland Games), I've traded some cards off to pick up bits and models to make my warband.  Mordheim is a skirmish game based in the Warhammer Fantasy setting.  You play with a small force of troops that range from three up to 20 or so members.  As you play, these "characters" gain experience and can acquire new gear and skills.  It's very much a cross between a roleplaying game and a table-top minis game.  But in a much cooler way than 4th Edition D&D.  I won my first game of it yesterday and I'm supposed to be going to play a game or two this afternoon when a friend gets a hold of me.

 And then there's Gatecrash.  The new Magic set that's coming out soon.  From what I've seen of the spoilers, I'm very much looking forward to this one.  I haven't enjoyed the Standard format at all over the last few years and since the release of Return to Ravnica, that's changed.  Things are heading in the direction I like and I enjoy the more wide-open feel of the format.  From what I've played and seen so far, there isn't a single deck that's really dominating.  Though there are a few cards that are, such as Thragtusk and Shpinx's Revelation.  But that's to be expected in any format.

So that's all from me for now.  I'll post more about my gaming adventures soon.  Until then, may the dice be ever in your favor.


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